What Are You Giving Up


SUNDAY - 9:30 am sUNDAY sCHOOL, 10:30 AM Worship Service | Wednesday - 7 PM BIBLE STUDY

by: Danielle Barnes



I heard a gentleman, hereafter, Aaron, tell a story about a time when he was faced with a huge spiritual dilemma.

He was a YouTube influencer who was trying to break into acting. I believe he did skits or the like. His friend was already acting but was a low level actor. They lived in Los Angeles at this time and were breaking into their 20s, so they were quite young. One day, Aaron and his friend was approached by a man who said they were a talent recruiter and knew who they were and mentioned Aaron and his friend by name. He said he wanted to invite them to an event and he would be in touch. Aaron was so excited but realized that the talent recruiter left before getting his contact information. However, later he received an old style fancy envelope to the event. They were told to dress up and an Uber on behalf of the talent recruiter would take them to the event. Aaron confirmed that his friend received the same invite. They were very puzzled as to how this talent recruiter knew their address and how to meet with him. Deep down Aaron had an uneasy feeling about this all but he was stoked about the opportunity.

Through his excitement, Aaron told another friend who, Aaron noticed, had terror in his eyes. He begged Aaron not to go. Aaron, took this advice under deep consideration knowing the noble character of this friend. However, the friend that was invited along with him told him that the other friend was jealous. Aaron and the friend promptly went to the event. The place was a large mansion away from the city. Inside was many masked people in black tie attire. Aaron and the friend were instructed to put on a masquerade mask and go into the foyer. Aaron’s friend departed from him into the crowd. However, Aaron, scoped the room. He noticed many A-list celebrities even though they wore masks. Everyone greeted each other without revealing their identities and was laughing and enjoying themselves. Aaron just inspected the room without conversation. Then a loud sound occurred and people began to move to another room that was all red. The mood changed. Everyone began to get sexually inappropriate out in the open. Aaron was confused and uncomfortable but when he tried to leave he was instructed (only by hand motion) to remain in the room. Then after a few minutes, the noise sounded, like everyone knew it meant move to the next room. As he went to the next room, it was, I believe all blue, but can’t remember. Everyone immediately started insulting one another just randomly. Again, Aaron inspects this and looks for his friend. His friend is spotted participating along with everyone else. He tells his friend he is uncomfortable but his friend says it fun and fall in line. Aaron stares at this ordeal. Again, the loud noise and everyone immediately becomes silent. They scurry to another room. This room had a bold color as well that I cannot remember (but Aaron notices the room created a mood). The room had a huge table with the most extraordinary feast. The presentation was fit for a king. Everyone sat at the table. Aaron reached to grab a piece of food then there was a loud sound. Thereafter, everyone began eating the food with their hands and ravishing the food before them in the most barbaric way. Aaron was stunned. However, he was so repulsed that he decided not to eat anything presented before him. Again, a few minutes of everyone shoving food in their mouths, literally, everyone moved to a different room. This next room was all black and nowhere to sit. Everyone was silent. He noticed a line was forming with what appeared to be the new people and those who knew what was going on was on the outside of the line softly chanting harmoniously. It was like when the fraternity or sorority was bringing on a new line. Aaron was at the end of the line. He was trying to find his friend. As the line got shorter he saw a man at a large door asking a person a question which was unknown at the time. As he got closer, he heard what was being asked. The doorman asked, “what is your religious belief?” after the person would tell the doorman, he would get the Koran, Bible, or whatever that corresponded to their belief and made the person put their hand on it like when a person is taking up oath. Then the doorman asked them to renounce their belief and say they were a god in their own right. He noticed people renouncing their faith. His friend did so as well. When it was his turn he declined to renounce it. He feared for his safety but realized he was not harmed. They spoke no words, just had him escorted away. He was not escorted through the door like the others but was pushed to leave out the back door of the mansion. However, no one fully escorted him out. He left out the door with his phone that they took upon his initial entry. It was dead when he knew it was a full charge upon his arrival. He tried to look through windows to let his friend know he was kicked out. The windows were color stained so he could not see through and it was dark out. However he could see through this small white part. Through that portion, he saw his friend and others that made it through the door do the most abominable, foul things. Things unspeakable. Things unholy. He was horrified. He immediately left and there was a car waiting for him to take him home. He was terrified the entire way hoping no one knew what he saw.

The next day he saw his friend and tried to approach him and talk about what he saw. His friend was enraged. He knew that was the end of their friendship. He knew his friend was ashamed but prideful as well. He believed his friend told the people what he saw because afterwards he was “subtly" terrorized until he was ran out of the state weeks later. Things were happening to his car like brakes being cut but not resulting in an accident or shower water running in his house as to let Aaron know that they can, if they want, kill him and make it look normal but only he would know it was murder.

This story is true, and has many layers. I want to make the layers plain so I will bullet point them.

  1. The colors in the room changed the mood. However, God made all colors so the colors itself are not bad. It is us humans who take what is good and pervert it. Money is good, sex in marriage is good, our body was made in His image, but we defile the body, make sex immoral, use money or the power of it unholy or do unholy things with its use. God is good. We are wicked. [Mark 10:18]. To be Holy, a transformation is required inside out.
  2. The room changes were subtle to see if the newbies would adapt to the environment they were in and follow along. Some did and some, like Aaron did not. God said in Romans 12:2 to not conform to the patterns of this world. He also stated in John 17:14 that we are in the world but not of the world.
  3. The changes in the room got worse on each stage. The first room after leaving the foyer was sexual immorality. The next room was a foul mouth full of insults and anger. The following room was over indulgence and loss of dignity. (eating aggressively and barbarically). Each room was a test of how far we'd go. [We will discuss later].
  4. The last room was to say hey, if you did all this, it’s likely you do not have a religious belief and if you do, you are not practicing it so you should renounce it.
  5. In the beginning, Aaron was warned to not go. Now the friend who warned him never attended. However, the Holy Spirit was warning Aaron through this friend. Some places you don’t need to be. There are some experiences we never had to have, but not following the Holy Spirit and wisdom (discernment) we experience things God did not want for us.
  6. Lastly, Aaron said there were A-list celebrities there. I assume there were politicians and high ranking people there as well. This is why we should not idolizing people. We do not know what nefarious things they are into. Think about Bishop T.D. Jakes and how we was spotted at a P. Diddy party. P. Diddy was known for crazy and wild parties with a lot of sin and sexual immorality going on. P. Diddy is also known to confiscate guests phone before participating in the party.  God can not remain in us when you are in participating in unholy places like this.

Now, you were never here at this house with Aaron. However, what rooms and spaces were you in that you should not have been in, and when you got there, you participated in? What sexual immorality have you partaken in (fornication, adultery, pornography, sodomy, acts related to homosexuality, cross dressing, gender transitioning)?

The Bible mentions how the tongue can speak blessing and at the same time speak curses. The tongue is hard to tame. How often do we say the most foul things to ourselves, our family, spouse, friends, strangers, and even enemies? I am not exempt from this!

Everyone may not over indulge in food like Aaron’s story, but are we indulging in idolatry (idolizing people or things over God), greed, lust, anger, immoral acts? What music and TV/movies do we indulge in that is enticing sin? Again, I was convicted of this by the Holy Spirit.

When Satan has persuaded us to give in to our fleshly temptations, he moves in to see if we are willing to give away our soul, give up on God! God is furious that we chose things over Him. He brought His Son to die for us yet we, like Esau, give up our birthright to indulge in some immediate passions. [Genesis 25: story of Esau selling his birthright].

I say all of this to say that Satan is working really hard to steal your birthright and have you renounce your faith. Stay strong and fully commit yourselves to Christ the Lord, in public and in private. This message was powerful in helping me to stay the course and awaken to the spiritual warfare ahead. Pray. Seek wisdom. Be obedient the first time. Keep the faith. God Bless.

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I heard a gentleman, hereafter, Aaron, tell a story about a time when he was faced with a huge spiritual dilemma.

He was a YouTube influencer who was trying to break into acting. I believe he did skits or the like. His friend was already acting but was a low level actor. They lived in Los Angeles at this time and were breaking into their 20s, so they were quite young. One day, Aaron and his friend was approached by a man who said they were a talent recruiter and knew who they were and mentioned Aaron and his friend by name. He said he wanted to invite them to an event and he would be in touch. Aaron was so excited but realized that the talent recruiter left before getting his contact information. However, later he received an old style fancy envelope to the event. They were told to dress up and an Uber on behalf of the talent recruiter would take them to the event. Aaron confirmed that his friend received the same invite. They were very puzzled as to how this talent recruiter knew their address and how to meet with him. Deep down Aaron had an uneasy feeling about this all but he was stoked about the opportunity.

Through his excitement, Aaron told another friend who, Aaron noticed, had terror in his eyes. He begged Aaron not to go. Aaron, took this advice under deep consideration knowing the noble character of this friend. However, the friend that was invited along with him told him that the other friend was jealous. Aaron and the friend promptly went to the event. The place was a large mansion away from the city. Inside was many masked people in black tie attire. Aaron and the friend were instructed to put on a masquerade mask and go into the foyer. Aaron’s friend departed from him into the crowd. However, Aaron, scoped the room. He noticed many A-list celebrities even though they wore masks. Everyone greeted each other without revealing their identities and was laughing and enjoying themselves. Aaron just inspected the room without conversation. Then a loud sound occurred and people began to move to another room that was all red. The mood changed. Everyone began to get sexually inappropriate out in the open. Aaron was confused and uncomfortable but when he tried to leave he was instructed (only by hand motion) to remain in the room. Then after a few minutes, the noise sounded, like everyone knew it meant move to the next room. As he went to the next room, it was, I believe all blue, but can’t remember. Everyone immediately started insulting one another just randomly. Again, Aaron inspects this and looks for his friend. His friend is spotted participating along with everyone else. He tells his friend he is uncomfortable but his friend says it fun and fall in line. Aaron stares at this ordeal. Again, the loud noise and everyone immediately becomes silent. They scurry to another room. This room had a bold color as well that I cannot remember (but Aaron notices the room created a mood). The room had a huge table with the most extraordinary feast. The presentation was fit for a king. Everyone sat at the table. Aaron reached to grab a piece of food then there was a loud sound. Thereafter, everyone began eating the food with their hands and ravishing the food before them in the most barbaric way. Aaron was stunned. However, he was so repulsed that he decided not to eat anything presented before him. Again, a few minutes of everyone shoving food in their mouths, literally, everyone moved to a different room. This next room was all black and nowhere to sit. Everyone was silent. He noticed a line was forming with what appeared to be the new people and those who knew what was going on was on the outside of the line softly chanting harmoniously. It was like when the fraternity or sorority was bringing on a new line. Aaron was at the end of the line. He was trying to find his friend. As the line got shorter he saw a man at a large door asking a person a question which was unknown at the time. As he got closer, he heard what was being asked. The doorman asked, “what is your religious belief?” after the person would tell the doorman, he would get the Koran, Bible, or whatever that corresponded to their belief and made the person put their hand on it like when a person is taking up oath. Then the doorman asked them to renounce their belief and say they were a god in their own right. He noticed people renouncing their faith. His friend did so as well. When it was his turn he declined to renounce it. He feared for his safety but realized he was not harmed. They spoke no words, just had him escorted away. He was not escorted through the door like the others but was pushed to leave out the back door of the mansion. However, no one fully escorted him out. He left out the door with his phone that they took upon his initial entry. It was dead when he knew it was a full charge upon his arrival. He tried to look through windows to let his friend know he was kicked out. The windows were color stained so he could not see through and it was dark out. However he could see through this small white part. Through that portion, he saw his friend and others that made it through the door do the most abominable, foul things. Things unspeakable. Things unholy. He was horrified. He immediately left and there was a car waiting for him to take him home. He was terrified the entire way hoping no one knew what he saw.

The next day he saw his friend and tried to approach him and talk about what he saw. His friend was enraged. He knew that was the end of their friendship. He knew his friend was ashamed but prideful as well. He believed his friend told the people what he saw because afterwards he was “subtly" terrorized until he was ran out of the state weeks later. Things were happening to his car like brakes being cut but not resulting in an accident or shower water running in his house as to let Aaron know that they can, if they want, kill him and make it look normal but only he would know it was murder.

This story is true, and has many layers. I want to make the layers plain so I will bullet point them.

  1. The colors in the room changed the mood. However, God made all colors so the colors itself are not bad. It is us humans who take what is good and pervert it. Money is good, sex in marriage is good, our body was made in His image, but we defile the body, make sex immoral, use money or the power of it unholy or do unholy things with its use. God is good. We are wicked. [Mark 10:18]. To be Holy, a transformation is required inside out.
  2. The room changes were subtle to see if the newbies would adapt to the environment they were in and follow along. Some did and some, like Aaron did not. God said in Romans 12:2 to not conform to the patterns of this world. He also stated in John 17:14 that we are in the world but not of the world.
  3. The changes in the room got worse on each stage. The first room after leaving the foyer was sexual immorality. The next room was a foul mouth full of insults and anger. The following room was over indulgence and loss of dignity. (eating aggressively and barbarically). Each room was a test of how far we'd go. [We will discuss later].
  4. The last room was to say hey, if you did all this, it’s likely you do not have a religious belief and if you do, you are not practicing it so you should renounce it.
  5. In the beginning, Aaron was warned to not go. Now the friend who warned him never attended. However, the Holy Spirit was warning Aaron through this friend. Some places you don’t need to be. There are some experiences we never had to have, but not following the Holy Spirit and wisdom (discernment) we experience things God did not want for us.
  6. Lastly, Aaron said there were A-list celebrities there. I assume there were politicians and high ranking people there as well. This is why we should not idolizing people. We do not know what nefarious things they are into. Think about Bishop T.D. Jakes and how we was spotted at a P. Diddy party. P. Diddy was known for crazy and wild parties with a lot of sin and sexual immorality going on. P. Diddy is also known to confiscate guests phone before participating in the party.  God can not remain in us when you are in participating in unholy places like this.

Now, you were never here at this house with Aaron. However, what rooms and spaces were you in that you should not have been in, and when you got there, you participated in? What sexual immorality have you partaken in (fornication, adultery, pornography, sodomy, acts related to homosexuality, cross dressing, gender transitioning)?

The Bible mentions how the tongue can speak blessing and at the same time speak curses. The tongue is hard to tame. How often do we say the most foul things to ourselves, our family, spouse, friends, strangers, and even enemies? I am not exempt from this!

Everyone may not over indulge in food like Aaron’s story, but are we indulging in idolatry (idolizing people or things over God), greed, lust, anger, immoral acts? What music and TV/movies do we indulge in that is enticing sin? Again, I was convicted of this by the Holy Spirit.

When Satan has persuaded us to give in to our fleshly temptations, he moves in to see if we are willing to give away our soul, give up on God! God is furious that we chose things over Him. He brought His Son to die for us yet we, like Esau, give up our birthright to indulge in some immediate passions. [Genesis 25: story of Esau selling his birthright].

I say all of this to say that Satan is working really hard to steal your birthright and have you renounce your faith. Stay strong and fully commit yourselves to Christ the Lord, in public and in private. This message was powerful in helping me to stay the course and awaken to the spiritual warfare ahead. Pray. Seek wisdom. Be obedient the first time. Keep the faith. God Bless.

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