A Condition Met


SUNDAY - 9:30 am sUNDAY sCHOOL, 10:30 AM Worship Service | Wednesday - 7 PM BIBLE STUDY

by: Danielle Barnes



In law school, we have a class called Property Law. It deals with things related to real estate (land property) and the legal inner workings of buying, selling, and the transfer of land, title, and deed. Fee Simple is a type of type of ownership whereby the owner of the land transfers absolute rights to the transferee (person accepting the transfer) and the transferee then has full rights to also transfer it to third parties or pass it down to their heirs (descendants/offspring). The opposite of this is a life estate. This means if you, the transferee, dies, the property/estate goes back to the owner who gave you the life estate. Now Fee Simple Determinable is when there is a condition that must be met in order to receive this absolute right in your estate, also known as condition precedent.

You ask, what does this mean? Well, go to Deuteronomy 28 and we shall discuss.  We often quote Deuteronomy 28:3, but there are two very strong conditions that are required of us as believers of Christ in the first two verses. God said we must diligently listen to His Voice, follow His commandments, and if we listen and pay attention to Him, THEN blessings shall come upon us and overtake us. The gateway to blessings and seeing God’s face is our commitment to Him and His Word. If you listen to God then you will be blessed in the city and blessed in the field. Your offspring (your children and their children and etc. will be blessed. You will be the head and the lender not the tail or the borrower. He will deliver you so that you overcome and defeat your enemies.

However, verses 15- 68 are full of curses bestowed upon us as a penalty for our disobedience and rebellious heart towards God’s commandments. The times for repentance is now. The time to seek wisdom and get salvation is now. The time to put on the whole armor of God is now. The time to follow Christ and ask Him to strip us of our sin is now! Read Hezekiah's prayer in Isaiah 38 and David’s prayer in Psalm 51. Pray those prayers. I urge you Bros. and Sis. [Romans 12:1] in the view of God’s mercy, to offer your body as living sacrifices holy and well-pleasing unto God, a reasonable act of service and worship. God has sent His Son down to die for us, the reasonable thing we can do is make every effort to live Holy and pleasing to him and follow His commandments.

So in understanding the full gravity of Fee Simple Determinable, if the condition is not met, then the ownership and all the interests that vested with the transferee is stripped. It goes back to the owner. There are two things that can happen if the person does not follow the condition set. The original owner has a right of ret-entry (repossess the land and it goes back to their estate) if they so choose to or possibly of reverter. Possibly of reverter automatically goes back to the owner. God is utilizing the right of re-entry. This is because with repentance and turning from our wicked ways, we can go back receiving these blessings. When judgment day comes then it is too late and reversion will occur (we will be stripped from absolute rights if we do not meet the condition).

So if you feel like you are cursed and nothing is going your way and you have not lived fully committed to God then repent and ask the Holy Spirit to guide you on a committed path of holiness and righteousness. Now if you have lived for Christ in holiness and righteousness then ask God to break the curses from your family tree so that their curses and penalties are not hanging on to you as an offspring. Repent on behalf of your bloodline and plead the blood of Jesus henceforth on you and your offspring to follow God’s law. Break every curse that bonded through marriage. Remove strongholds that wormed its way in your life and all your offspring. God listens to those who have a heart for Him and those who seek righteousness. I pray you get that Fee Simple interest in heaven.

I sought the Lord, and He heard, and He answered! That’s why I trust Him; that’s why I trust in God, my Savior, because He never fails!


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In law school, we have a class called Property Law. It deals with things related to real estate (land property) and the legal inner workings of buying, selling, and the transfer of land, title, and deed. Fee Simple is a type of type of ownership whereby the owner of the land transfers absolute rights to the transferee (person accepting the transfer) and the transferee then has full rights to also transfer it to third parties or pass it down to their heirs (descendants/offspring). The opposite of this is a life estate. This means if you, the transferee, dies, the property/estate goes back to the owner who gave you the life estate. Now Fee Simple Determinable is when there is a condition that must be met in order to receive this absolute right in your estate, also known as condition precedent.

You ask, what does this mean? Well, go to Deuteronomy 28 and we shall discuss.  We often quote Deuteronomy 28:3, but there are two very strong conditions that are required of us as believers of Christ in the first two verses. God said we must diligently listen to His Voice, follow His commandments, and if we listen and pay attention to Him, THEN blessings shall come upon us and overtake us. The gateway to blessings and seeing God’s face is our commitment to Him and His Word. If you listen to God then you will be blessed in the city and blessed in the field. Your offspring (your children and their children and etc. will be blessed. You will be the head and the lender not the tail or the borrower. He will deliver you so that you overcome and defeat your enemies.

However, verses 15- 68 are full of curses bestowed upon us as a penalty for our disobedience and rebellious heart towards God’s commandments. The times for repentance is now. The time to seek wisdom and get salvation is now. The time to put on the whole armor of God is now. The time to follow Christ and ask Him to strip us of our sin is now! Read Hezekiah's prayer in Isaiah 38 and David’s prayer in Psalm 51. Pray those prayers. I urge you Bros. and Sis. [Romans 12:1] in the view of God’s mercy, to offer your body as living sacrifices holy and well-pleasing unto God, a reasonable act of service and worship. God has sent His Son down to die for us, the reasonable thing we can do is make every effort to live Holy and pleasing to him and follow His commandments.

So in understanding the full gravity of Fee Simple Determinable, if the condition is not met, then the ownership and all the interests that vested with the transferee is stripped. It goes back to the owner. There are two things that can happen if the person does not follow the condition set. The original owner has a right of ret-entry (repossess the land and it goes back to their estate) if they so choose to or possibly of reverter. Possibly of reverter automatically goes back to the owner. God is utilizing the right of re-entry. This is because with repentance and turning from our wicked ways, we can go back receiving these blessings. When judgment day comes then it is too late and reversion will occur (we will be stripped from absolute rights if we do not meet the condition).

So if you feel like you are cursed and nothing is going your way and you have not lived fully committed to God then repent and ask the Holy Spirit to guide you on a committed path of holiness and righteousness. Now if you have lived for Christ in holiness and righteousness then ask God to break the curses from your family tree so that their curses and penalties are not hanging on to you as an offspring. Repent on behalf of your bloodline and plead the blood of Jesus henceforth on you and your offspring to follow God’s law. Break every curse that bonded through marriage. Remove strongholds that wormed its way in your life and all your offspring. God listens to those who have a heart for Him and those who seek righteousness. I pray you get that Fee Simple interest in heaven.

I sought the Lord, and He heard, and He answered! That’s why I trust Him; that’s why I trust in God, my Savior, because He never fails!


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